Rhys Thomas White

My research interests are in microbial genomics where I use comparative genomic approaches to better understand the evolution, emergence, and dissemination of bacterial pathogenesis. In particular, this includes phylogenomics, evolution, and characterisation of mobile genetic elements of uropathogens using bioinformatics.

I am currently a final year PhD candidate at The University of Queensland, Australia. I am also a member of the Beatson Group and Australian Centre for Ecogenomics, and work with a number of sequencing datasets (including Illumina sequencing technology and Oxford Nanopore Technologies). My projects focus on phylogenomic analysis, and in-depth characterisation of antibiotic resistance and mobile genetic elements, of global Enterobacteriales. I have developed a broad range of skills/knowledge in bioinformatics and a variety of field work methods, offering great insight across the full spectrum of research design and implementation.

Here you can find information on my research and current projects.

E-mail: rhys.white@uq.edu.au

Mastodon: mstdn.science/@Rhys

Twitter: @RhysTWhite