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Alex Siddall


is using trangenics and CRISPR to study and manipulate the sex determination system in medfly. She is also developing novel technologies to suppress these pest insect populations, such as CRISPR-mediated gene drives. (BBSRC-funded studentship 2019)






Bioinformatics Virtual Coordination Network

Bioinformatics training course, Online, 2019

Instructor for Bioinformatics Virtual Coordination Network Many research laboratories shut down due to concerns about the COVID-19 pandemic. This leaves academics at all levels in a difficult position - where research in the lab may not resume for many months. We are a group of bioinformaticians and computational biologists committed to helping wet-lab biologists pick up some computational skills/begin computational projects during this global crisis.

Maths Skills for A-level Biology

Book, OUP, 2019

The maths needed to succeed in A Level Science is harder now than ever before. Suitable for all awarding bodies, this practical handbook addresses all of the maths skills needed for A Level Biology specifications. Worked examples, practice questions, ‘remember points’ and ‘stretch yourself’ questions give students the key knowledge and then the opportunity to practise and build confidence.